The Social Assistance Directorate of Targu Mures is the structure specialized in the administration and granting of social assistance benefits and social services, was established by HCL no. 222/30.08.2018. This approval led to the reorganization of the Public Service of Social Assistance Târgu Mureș into the Directorate of Social Assistance Târgu Mureș, with legal personality, the corresponding modification of the organizational structure, the approval of the organization chart, the number of staff and the state of functions, under the subordination of the Local Council of the Municipality of Târgu Mureș, as a social assistance directorate, hereinafter referred to as the Târgu Mureș Social Assistance Directorate, plays a vital role in ensuring the implementation of social policies in the field of child, family, elderly, disabled and other persons, groups or communities in social need.
The institution is in Târgu Mureș, Gheorghe Doja Street, no. 9, Mureș.
In the implementation of social policies, the Social Assistance Directorate of Targu Mures performs the following functions:
- to carry out social diagnosis at the level of the administrative-territorial unit concerned by assessing the social needs of the community, carrying out surveys and social inquiries and harnessing the potential of the community to prevent and detect early situations of neglect, abuse, abandonment, violence, cases of risk of social exclusion, etc.;
- coordinating measures to prevent and combat situations of marginalisation and social exclusion in which certain groups or communities may find themselves;
- strategy, which ensures the development of the social services development strategy and the annual action plan, which it submits to the local council for approval;
- implementation, by providing the human, material and financial means necessary for the delivery of social assistance benefits and social services;
- managing the financial, material and human resources at its disposal;
- communication and collaboration with the deconcentrated public services of ministries and other central public administration authorities, with other institutions with responsibilities in the field of social assistance, with local public social assistance services in other administrative-territorial units, with representatives of private providers of social services, and with beneficiaries;
- promoting human rights and a positive image of individuals, families and vulnerable groups;
- representing the administrative-territorial unit in the field of social assistance.
The role of the Tirgu Mures Social Assistance Department is to identify and solve community's social problems in the protection of the older people, disabled, children, families, single people, homeless people and any person in need.
The organizational structure of the Social Assistance Directorate of Targu Mures, according to the HCL no. 91 of March 28, 2024, on the reorganization and modification of the Organization Chart, the Statute of Functions and the Regulation of Organization and Functioning of the Social Assistance Directorate of Targu Mures, comprises:
- Executive Director
- Deputy Executive Director for Social Assistance
- Financial Accounting, Human Resources, Payroll, Procurement, Administrative, Logistics, IT
- Special Protection Service
- Social Protection Service
- Night Shelter
- „Rosemary" Day Centre
- Advice and support centre for parents and children
- 112 Integrated Emergency Dispatcher
- Community Assistance for marginalised areas
- Multifunctional Centre „Balog Péter"
- School medical cabinets
- Auditor