Organisation of the examination for promotion in professional grade of civil servants
The examination will take place at the Social Assistance Department of Targu Mures, Gheorghe Doja Street no. 9, on 12 October 2023, 10 o'clock00, written test.
The interview will be held no later than 5 days after the written test.
Applications may be submitted to the institution's headquarters within 20 days from the date of posting of the notice on the institution's website, between 12.09.2023 - 29.09.2023 and must contain the documents provided for in Article 127 of Romanian Government Decision no. 611/2008.
The conditions for participation in the examination and the bibliography are posted at the institution's premises and on its website.
Contact details for the receipt of dossiers : Tîrgu Mureș, str. Gheorghe Doja nr.9, 0365-430859, int.110,, contact person: Cengher Ancuța, Senior Inspector Human Resources.
Executive Director
Andreia Moraru
Conditions for participation in the promotion examination
- have at least three years' seniority in the professional grade of the public office from which they are promoted;
- have obtained at least a "good" grade in the evaluation of individual performance in the last 2 years of activity;
- not have an unpaid disciplinary sanction under the terms of this Code.
for promotion to the executive civil service position of inspector, class I, main professional grade, at the Social Protection Service of the Social Welfare Department of Târgu Mureș
- The Constitution of Romania, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions
- Title I and II of Part VI of Emergency Ordinance No. 57/2019 on the Administrative Code, republished, as amended and supplemented
- Law no.292/2011, Social Assistance Law, republished, as amended and supplemented
- Law no.272/2004 on the protection and promotion of children's rights, republished
- Order no.286/2006 for the approval of the Methodological Norms on the drawing up of the Service Plan and the Methodological Norms on the drawing up of the Individualized Protection Plan.
- Order no.288/2006 approving the Minimum Mandatory Standards for the management of child rights protection
- Law no.156/2023 on the organization of the activity of prevention of separation of children from their families
- Law No 208/1997 on social welfare canteens
for promotion to for the post of First Class Inspector grade
Senior professional at the Social Protection Service of the Social Assistance Department of Târgu Mureș
- civil service regulations
- public administration regulations
- social assistance regulations
- regulations on the status of civil servants, provisions applicable to contractual staff in the public administration and the records of staff paid from public funds
Duties for the public executive position of inspector class I main professional grade at the Social Protection Service of the Social Welfare Department of Târgu Mureș
1.Reception of the public, in accordance with the programme approved by the management of the institution.
2.Ensuring the record-keeping and distribution of incoming and outgoing correspondence, respectively the archiving and storage of the service's documents, in compliance with the relevant legal regulations.
3.Prior verification of the veracity and authenticity of all documents submitted for the granting of entitlement to: social assistance, state child allowances, family support allowances, social canteen, emergency aid, funeral aid, aid for heating the home with heat energy, natural gas, wood, coal and petroleum fuels in the cold season, child-raising allowance, insertion incentive, educational incentive, financial support for newborns, financial support for adoption, electronic social vouchers for hot meals.
4.Carrying out social surveys based on the specific needs of each person, respecting the forms and making communications to applicants within the legal deadline. The investigation will include the social, medical and economic assessment of the applicant; proposals will be made for the granting of social benefits or social services, or other relevant proposals based on the laws in force.
5.Advising people who contact the service on the social benefits to which they are entitled.
6.Preparing proposals with the necessary amounts to ensure the payments of the aid for heating the house with wood, oil fuels, emergency aid, funeral aid, social canteen, educational incentive, financial support for newborns, financial support for adoption and any other categories of payments that will occur during the financial year, tracking and recording of payments made through the Budget Accounting Service.
7.Drawing up reports and draft provisions, borderouries, payment statements, nominal tables, replies to requests/addresses assigned through the hierarchy, on time and within the legal deadlines.
8.Forwarding provisions, statements, centralizers, surveys, applications and supporting documents to the County Agency for Payments and Social Inspection Mures within the legal deadline for payment.
9.Database entry and permanent control of social benefits records.
10.Carrying out regular checks at the homes of social assistance recipients in order to ascertain on the spot any changes in their situation that would result in changes to the social assistance measures they receive.
11.Collaboration with various services within the municipality for the smooth running of the activity.
12.Collaboration with institutions in the municipality and in the county, in specific issues of the activity: County Agency for Payments and Social Inspection Mures, A.J.O.F.M. Mures, D.J.A.S.P.C., Mureș County School Inspectorate, Mureș County Council, Mureș Prefecture, schools, kindergartens, NGOs, religious cults, as well as any other institutions with which collaboration is required for the proper conduct of the activity and the correct performance of service tasks.
13.Compliance with operational procedures for the specific activities of the service.
14.Responsible for risk management and compliance with the measures established to mitigate risks related to the activities of the service.
15.Responsible for compliance with the measures established to reduce consumption of gas, electricity, sewage, domestic/storm water utilities.
16.The fulfilment of other duties established by law or other normative acts, by resolutions of the Municipal Council, by the Mayor's dispositions or received through the hierarchy.
for promotion in function for the post of First Class Inspector higher professional grade at the Child and Family Protection Office of the Special Protection Service of the Social Assistance Department of Târgu Mureș
- The Constitution of Romania, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions;
- Title I and II of Part VI of the Emergency Ordinance No. 57/2019 on the Administrative Code, republished, as amended;
- Law no.292/2011, the Social Assistance Law, republished, as amended and supplemented;
- Law no.272/2004 on the protection and promotion of children's rights, republished;
- Order no.286/2006 for the approval of the Methodological Norms for the drawing up of the Service Plan and the Methodological Norms for the drawing up of the Individualized Protection Plan;
- Order no.288/2006 for the approval of the Minimum Mandatory Standards for the management of child rights protection;
- Law no.156/2023 on the organisation of the activity of prevention of separation of children from their families;
- Law 448/2006, republished, on the protection and promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities and of the H.G. no.268/2007 for the approval of the methodological norms for the application of the provisions of Law no.448/2006.
for promotion to the post for the post of inspector, first class, senior professional grade at the Child and Family Protection Office of the Special Protection Service of the Social Assistance Department of Târgu Mureș
- civil service regulations
- public administration regulations
- regulations on the status of civil servants, provisions applicable to contractual staff in the public administration and the records of staff paid from public funds
- social assistance regulations
Duties for the executive civil service post of inspector, class I, senior professional grade at Special Protection Service of the Social Assistance Department of Târgu Mureș
- It carries out social inquiries for classification in a degree of disability, wheelchairs, school guidance, in order to obtain the rights to which he is entitled according to Law no. 448/2206.
- It ensures the creation of the database in the field of persons for whom it is proposed to assess/reassess in a degree of disability and the drafting on computer, respectively the multiplication and dispatch of documents issued by the service.
- It ensures the creation of the database in the field of child and family protection and the computerised drafting, multiplication and dispatch of documents issued by the service.
- Ensures the record-keeping and distribution of incoming and outgoing correspondence, respectively the archiving - current and preservation - of the service's documents, in compliance with the legal regulations in the field.
- Keeps records, draws up the report, the payroll, the border, in order to grant rights in the field of child and family protection.
- Carries out regular checks at the home of the persons in order to ascertain how the conditions laid down in the contract with the family are respected, with the aim of drawing up a report of findings and proposals in the event of irregularities, in order to take measures within the legal framework.
- Carries out social surveys based on the specific needs of each individual, and makes communications to applicants within the legal deadline. The survey, drafted, will include the social, medical and economic assessment of the applicant; it will show relevant proposals based on the laws in force. The survey will be signed by both persons and approved by the hierarchical head
- Provides advice and information to families with dependent children on their rights and obligations, on children's rights and on locally available services;
- Identifies children and families who are in a difficult situation of abandonment, domestic violence, abuse, truancy/ dropout, deviant behaviour,
- It assesses situations requiring the provision of services and/or benefits;
- Ensures the preparation of the service plan for children who are at risk following the completion of the risk identification sheet and observation sheet;
- Monitors the implementation of the service plan
- Identifies and assesses, monitors situations requiring services and/or benefits to prevent separation of the child from his/her family;
- It cooperates with NGOs and religious cults, according to the cooperation agreements concluded with them.
- Provides counselling services to people who approach the Directorate.
- He/she prepares a daily activity report and submits it to the line manager at the end of each week. Proposes to the line manager measures to improve work.
- Developing, reviewing and complying with operational procedures for the Directorate's specific activities
- Developing, reviewing and complying with established measures to mitigate risks related to the Directorate's activities.
- Fulfills any other duties arising from Laws, Government Decisions or other normative acts from the Municipal Council Decisions and the Mayor's Dispositions or received from the hierarchical head.
Executive Director
Andreia Moraru