Târgu Mureș, 03.09.2024
Organisation of a recruitment competition, with normal working hours, to fill the following executive public post:
- 1 legal counsellor class I, higher professional grade at the Department of Strategies, Programmes, Projects and Human Rights within the Social Assistance Directorate Targu Mures.
The competition will take place at the headquarters of the institution, Târgu Mureș, Gheorghe Doja str., nr. 9, on 03 October 2024, 11 am00 - written test.
The interview will be held no later than 5 days after the written test.
Applications for the competition may be submitted within 20 days from the date of publication of the competition notice on the website of the institution and on the website of the National Agency of Civil Servants, between 03.09.2024-23.09.2024 inclusive, and must contain the documents:
a) the application form provided for in Article 137 letter b) of Annex no. 10 of GEO no. 57/2019, with subsequent amendments and additions by reference to Article VII of GEO no. 121/2023;
b) copy of identity card;
c) a copy of the document issued by the competent authorities, if the name on the birth certificate has changed;
d) a copy of the work record book and/or of the attestation issued by the employer for the period worked, attesting the length of service and in the speciality of studies necessary for the occupation of the position held, according to the provisions of this Code, as appropriate;
(e) copies of diplomas or equivalent qualifications, certificates and other documents proving specialisation and further training or specific competences, where appropriate;
f) a copy of the certificate attesting the appropriate state of health, issued by the candidate's family doctor no later than 6 months prior to the start of the selection phase, and of the psychological opinion issued on the basis of a psychological assessment organised by specialised units accredited under the law, valid according to the legal provisions;
g) criminal record;
h) a declaration on your own responsibility, by filling in the appropriate section of the enrolment form, or a certificate attesting that you are not a Securitate employee or collaborator, under the conditions provided for by the specific legislation;
(i) a declaration on your honour, by filling in the appropriate box on the application form, that you have not been dismissed or had your individual contract of employment terminated for disciplinary reasons within the last 3 years.
The information contained in the published notice, the bibliography and the duties set out in the job description are posted at the institution's headquarters and on its website .
Contact details for receiving the applications: Târgu Mureș, str. Gheorghe Doja, nr. 9, cam. 3, tel.: 0365/430859, ext.116, e-mail: mihaela.plesa@tirgumures.roContact person: Pleșa Mihaela, inspector.
Executive Director
Andreia Moraru
Conditions for participation in the recruitment competition for the post of executive civil servant from legal adviser class I, higher professional grade at the Department of Strategies, Programmes, Projects and Human Rights of the Social Assistance Directorate of Targu Mures
Denumeration of public office | Specialised studies | Length of service |
- 1 executive civil service post of legal adviser, first class, senior professional grade | Bachelor's degree with honours, or a long-term higher education degree with a bachelor's degree or equivalent in legal sciences | - minimum 7 years |
to fill the vacancy the public office of legal adviser class I, higher professional grade at the Department of Strategies, Programmes, Projects and Human Rights of the Social Assistance Directorate of Targu Mures
1. Constitution of Romania, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions;
2. Government Ordinance No 137/2000, republished, on the prevention and sanctioning of all forms of discrimination;
3. Law No 202/2002, republished, on equal opportunities and equal treatment between women and men;
4. Part I, Title I and Title II of Part II, Title I of Part IV, Title I and Title II of Part VI of Government Emergency Ordinance No 57/2019, with subsequent amendments and additions Title IV, V, VI, VII of Part III and Part VIII of Government Emergency Ordinance No 57/2019, with subsequent amendments and additions;
5. Law No 554/2004 on administrative litigation, with subsequent amendments and additions;
6. Law No 292/2011, Social Assistance Law, with subsequent amendments and additions;
7. Decision No 797/2017 for the approval of the framework regulations for the organisation and functioning of public social assistance services and the indicative staffing structure, with subsequent amendments and additions;
8. Law 53/2003, republished, Labour Code - Title IX, XI.
to fill the vacancy of the public office of legal adviser class I, higher professional grade at the Department of Strategies, Programmes, Projects and Human Rights of the Social Assistance Directorate of Targu Mures
- civil service regulations;
- regulations on respecting human dignity, protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms, preventing and combating hate speech and discrimination;
- Regulations on measures to promote equal opportunities and equal treatment between women and men, with a view to eliminating all forms of discrimination based on sex in all spheres of public life in Romania;
- regulations on the organisation and functioning of public administration authorities and institutions, Part I, Title I and Title II of Part II, Title I of Part IV, Title I and II of Part VI, Title IV, V, VI, VII of Part III and Part VIII of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 57/2019, with subsequent amendments and additions;
- regulations on the procedural framework of administrative litigation;
- social assistance regulations;
- regulations on the organisation and functioning of public social welfare services and the indicative staffing structure ;
- Labour Code regulations, Title IX, XI.
Duties for the executive civil service post of legal adviser, first class, senior professional grade at Department for Strategies, Programmes, Projects and Human Rights of the Targu Mures Social Assistance Department
- Represent the interests of the institution before the courts, notaries public, Court of Auditors, etc.;
- Formulates requests for summons, counterclaims, complaints, pleadings and other documents necessary for the fulfilment of the activity, within the deadlines provided for by the legal provisions in force, in highly complex cases;
- Studying new legislation in order to keep up to date with current legislation;
- Keeping track of litigation before the courts, representation, drafting of documents filed in court files;
- It monitors the implementation of final and irrevocable judgments, after finalisation of the cases in which it has represented the interests of the territorial administrative unit;
- Ensures the record keeping and the settlement of each petition, within the legal deadline, as well as the archiving of requests and answers and the keeping of the entry-issue register;
- Checks and applies legal endorsement on documents and contracts issued by the Social Welfare Directorate;
- Checks the legality of contracts concluded by the Social Welfare Directorate;
- Develops operational procedures for the activities of the Social Assistance Directorate in accordance with the ORDER No 600/2018 of 20 April 2018 on the approval of the Code of internal managerial control of public entities, including the standards of internal management / internal control in public entities and for the development of managerial control systems;
- Identifies and assesses the main risks specific to the activities of the Social Welfare Directorate and draws up the risk register for all types of activities, prioritising risks and establishing mitigation measures;
- It recognises and applies all measures for the implementation of the internal/managerial control system at Directorate level;
- It complies with the operational procedure on the legal representation of the Social Welfare Directorate;
- Comply with the operational procedure on petitions activity;
- He is obliged to respect the secrecy and confidentiality of his activity, in accordance with Law no. 514/2003 on the organisation and exercise of the profession of legal counsellor.