Notice of competition for the recruitment and selection of personnel for fixed-term employment
The Social Welfare Department of Targu Mures, with headquarters in Targu Mures, Gheorghe Doja Street, No 9, Mures County, under the terms of GD No 286/2011, with subsequent amendments and additions, is organising a competition to fill a temporary vacancy for 1 contractual position, as follows:
- Job title: specialist inspector, for a fixed period, at the "Rozmarin" Day Centre Department
To take part in the competition, candidates must meet the following conditions:
- General conditions:
- has Romanian nationality, nationality of other European Union Member States or of countries belonging to the European Economic Area and residence in Romania;
- knows Romanian, written and spoken;
- is the minimum age required by law;
- has full capacity to practise;
- has a state of health appropriate to the post for which he/she is applying, as attested by a medical certificate issued by the family doctor or the competent health units;
- meets the conditions of education and, where appropriate, seniority or other specific conditions in accordance with the requirements of the post to be filled;
- has not been convicted of a crime against humanity, against the State or against authority, an offence in the course of or in connection with the performance of official duties that obstructs the course of justice, or of forgery or corruption, or of an offence committed with intent that would make him or her incompatible with the performance of his or her duties, unless he or she has been rehabilitated
- Specific conditions:
- level of education: a university degree in psychology and educational sciences;
- length of service required for the post: 1 year;
- other specific conditions: -
To apply for the competition, candidates must submit a competition file containing the following documents to the Social Assistance Department of Târgu Mureș, Gheorghe Doja Street, No. 9, No. 3, within 5 working days from the date of publication of the notice:
- Application for the competition addressed to the head of the organising public authority or institution;
- Copy of identity card or any other document proving identity, according to the law, as appropriate;
- Copies of documents attesting to the level of studies and other documents attesting to specialisation, and copies of documents attesting to the fulfilment of the specific conditions of the post requested by the public authority or institution;
- Employment record or, where appropriate, certificates attesting to seniority in employment, occupation and/or specialisation of studies, in copy;
- Criminal record or a sworn statement that he/she has no criminal record that would make him/her incompatible with the position for which he/she is running;
- Medical certificate attesting to the candidate's state of health issued no more than 6 months before the competition by the candidate's family doctor or by the competent health units;
- Curriculum vitae.
The original of the documents required must also be presented in order to check the conformity of the copies.
The results of the selection of the files are posted at the headquarters of the Social Assistance Department of Targu Mures on 04.05.2023.
The competition will take place at the Social Assistance Department of Targu Mures, according to the following schedule:
- The first test consists of the written test on 18.05.2023 at 10 a.m;
- Interview on 25.05.2023, 10 am;
- Submission and settlement of appeals: 26.05.2023-27.05.2023 .
Other information (assignments, topics, bibliography, etc.):
- respects the privacy statement concerning data about children and activities in the centre;
- comply with the obligations entered into by signing the individual employment contract;
- comply with the PSI rules and work protection instructions under their own signature and participate in theoretical and practical training;
- collaborates and communicates with all the services of the Social Welfare Department;
- comply with the provisions of the legislation in force in the field of activity and act accordingly;
- participates in the development and implementation of programmes aimed at informing, raising public awareness and intervening on issues related to the respect and protection of children's rights;
- initiates and/or maintains collaboration with other public institutions as well as authorized private bodies active in the field of child rights protection in order to identify resources for case resolution;
- follows the specific working methodology and strategy of the service to which it belongs;
- respect the confidential nature of information on specific activities;
- comply with the internal rules;
- is responsible for the quality and correctness of the work it produces;
- prepares and submits activity reports, periodically and at the request of line managers;
- understands and is aware of the legislation in force on social assistance for disadvantaged people;
- complies with the D.A.S. Organisational and Operational Regulations;
- performs the psychological assessment based on instruments and tests specific to the profession, establishing the general level of development, identifies areas of developmental deficit in order to start the recovery activity;
- establishes the weekly programme of therapeutic intervention (socialisation and social integration and educational activities).
- determines, according to the psychotherapeutic goals of recovery, the method of work and training programmes for the beneficiaries.
- carries out individual therapy activities to improve attentional, mental, sensory-perceptual, cognitive, emotional and behavioural deficiencies;
- provides counselling services with children in a situation of school and social maladjustment, in order to re-educate affected processes, improve self-awareness and optimise personal development;
- provides individual and group counselling services with parents, giving them the informational, instrumental and emotional support they need;
- plan activities for each parent-child couple that respond to their needs for information, education and counselling, contributing to the development of parenting skills for raising, educating and caring for their own child, health education, health promotion and a healthy lifestyle (e.g. through primary and secondary prevention, informing and preparing parents to be co-therapists in the process of children's recovery and integration);
- informs and advises the beneficiary on his/her rights and obligations, the type of support available and how to obtain it;
- collaborates with the services of the D.A.S. in the development of activities in this field;
- assesses the needs of the beneficiaries in the day centre in collaboration with the multidisciplinary team;
- draws up and updates the documentation relating to the inclusion of beneficiaries in the day centre programme and records all aspects observed;
- regularly draws up activity reports and statements at the request of the head of the centre, the D.A.S. management or other competent institutions;
- collaborates permanently with the multidisciplinary team in the implementation of the activity plan;
- has appropriate behaviour towards colleagues, beneficiaries and carers;
- carry out other assessments in situations involving psychological components;
- can organise round tables within the framework defined by its competences;
- is forbidden to verbally or physically assault beneficiaries;
- monitors compliance with minimum quality standards;
- reports to the management of the centre situations that endanger the safety of the beneficiary, situations of non-compliance with the provisions of these regulations;
- draws up regular reports on the work carried out;
- makes proposals for improving the work in order to increase the quality of service and compliance with the law;
- make proposals for improving the work in order to increase the quality of the service and compliance with legislation
- performs other duties established by laws or other normative acts, by resolutions of the Municipal Council, by orders of the Mayor or by the hierarchical superiors, within the limits of the area of competence and the minimum standards in force.
- civil service regulations;
- public administration regulations;
- regulations on respect for human dignity, protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms, preventing and combating incitement to hatred and discrimination regulations on transparency and free access to information of public interest;
- regulations on measures to promote equal opportunities and treatment between women and men, with a view to eliminating all forms of discrimination based on sex in all spheres of public life in Romania;
- regulations on the status of civil servants, provisions applicable to contractual staff in the public administration and the record of staff paid from public funds;
- social assistance regulations;
- regulations on the protection and promotion of children's rights;
- regulations on the preparation of the Personalised Intervention Plan (PPI);
- regulations on minimum quality standards for social services organised as day centres for children in families and/or children separated or at risk of separation from their parents;
- regulations on free access to information of public interest;
- rules on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
- Constitution of Romania, republished, as subsequently amended and supplemented: Chapters II-IV; Chapter V, Section II (Art. 22-58, Art. 120-123);
- Government Ordinance No 137/2000 on the prevention and sanctioning of all forms of discrimination, republished with subsequent amendments and additions; Chapters I-IV;
- Law No 202/2002 on equal opportunities and equal treatment between women and men, republished as amended and supplemented; Chapters I-VIII;
- Titles I and II of Part VI of the Emergency Ordinance No 57/2019 on the Administrative Code, as amended (Articles 365-382, Articles 412-450);
- Law No 544/2001 on free access to information of public interest, as amended and supplemented: Chapters I-IV;
- Law No 292/2011, Social Assistance Act, as amended; Chapters I-II; Chapter III, Section 1, Section 2; Chapter IV, Section 1, Section 2, Chapter VII (Art.1 - Art.38, Art.53 - Art.78, Art.128 - Art.142);
- Law No 272 of 21 June 2004, republished, on the protection and promotion of the rights of the child, as amended and supplemented;
- Law No 190 of 18 July 2018 on measures implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation);
- ORDER No 27 of 3 January 2019, approving the minimum quality standards for social day services for children.
Further information can be obtained from: human resources department, phone 0365/430859, e-mail website www.dastgmures; contact person Pleșa Mihaela.
Executive Director
Moraru Andreia Ligia