Applicable legislation
- Decision No 158 of 28 June 2024 on the approval of the working procedure for the granting of emergency aid under Law No 196/2016 on the minimum inclusion income;
- Law No 196/2016 on the minimum inclusion income with subsequent amendments and additions;
- Law No 292/2011 on social assistance, as amended.
In the event of the death of a member of a family receiving minimum income support or of a single person receiving minimum income support, the mayors may order financial assistance for funeral expenses.
For emergency aid towards funeral expenses, the applicant shall submit the following documents:
- Written request from a family member, single person or person who has borne the funeral expenses;
- Death certificate (original + copy);
- Identity card of the applicant;
- Proof of funeral expenses (e.g. original invoice for the coffin, etc.);
- Other documents as appropriate.
The amount of the grant is 2,000 lei in the event of the death of a member of a family receiving minimum income or of a single person receiving minimum income, in the event of the death of a person with no income and whose relatives are unable to pay the funeral expenses, and in the event of the death of a person by accident.
The amount of aid in the event of natural disasters and fires will be determined on the basis of a social enquiry depending on the seriousness of the situation. In serious cases it will be 3,000 lei.
For the granting of emergency aid (fire, natural disasters), the applicant must submit an application accompanied by the following documents:
- The supporting documents concerning the family composition (ID card, ID card, identity card, marriage certificate, children's birth certificates);
- The contract of sale or the CF extract of the property (not older than 30 days);
- Copy of the report of the disaster/fire;
- Other documents as appropriate.
Granting emergency aid for special medical conditions arising from acute or chronic diseases, requiring medical tests, specialised consultations, specialised surgery and/or post-operative treatment, and/or the purchase of medical devices, the costs of which cannot be covered out of income
person/family or partially compensated by social health insurance.
The amount of the grant is 1.500 lei, and the applicant will submit the application accompanied by the following documents:
- Documents proving the family composition (ID card, ID card, ID card, marriage certificate, children's birth certificates);
- Medical certificate and/or medical letter issued by the family doctor or specialised doctor, as well as other supporting medical documents issued by the competent authorities in the field attesting to the hardship situation invoked in the application; for the purchase of equipment, medical devices, prostheses, orthotics or other sanitary materials, proof issued by the competent authorities of the total cost of these items and the expenses incurred by them;
- Other documents as appropriate.
Emergency aid for families who have been evacuated and are at exceptional social risk.
Documents required:
- Standard application;
- Applicants must have their last residence in the Municipality of Targu Mures;
- There is an exceptional situation of social risk for the children and family members, substantiated by
justified by the social enquiry and medical, financial or other documents, to the extent that the risk situation can be demonstrated; - Eviction notice from the bailiff (for this situation, you can pay the cost of the rent from the rental contract registered with the National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF) for a period of 3-12 months, but not more than 1.500 lei/month)
- Other documents as appropriate.
Other situations of necessity or special circumstances 500-1.500 lei aid depending on the findings of the social enquiry.
The documents listed above are to be submitted at the headquarters of the Social Assistance Department Târgu Mureș, Gheorghe Doja Street, no. 9, ground floor, room 8 (Registry Office) or can be submitted electronically by e-mail to:
Emergency aid is not granted to individuals/families who own one or more of the following assets:
A. Immovable property:
Buildings, other residential premises outside the dwelling, as well as land within the built-up area of more than 1,200 square metres in urban areas and 2,500 square metres in rural areas, excluding the land enclosing the dwelling and the yard.
B. Movable goods:
a) more than one vehicle more than 10 years old, authorised for use on public roads;
b) motor vehicles authorised for use on public roads less than 10 years old, with the exception of those used and/or adapted for the transport of disabled persons;
(c) skiffs, motorboats, motorised boats, yachts or other types of craft.
If one or more assets owned by the single person/family receiving the minimum inclusion income is leased/rented/leased, this asset will be taken into account for the person/family who has it leased/rented/leased, and for the rightful owner the value obtained from the transfer of the right to use the asset will be taken into account.
A person or family who owns, in addition to the dwelling where they live, a share of another building/housing/movable property can benefit from the minimum income for inclusion regardless of the size of the share, if they cannot valorise the property through this ownership.
C. Bank deposits
At least one of the family members holds, as a holder, one or more bank accounts/deposits, the total amount of which is more than 3 times the amount of the average gross salary provided by the State Social Insurance Act (in this sense, a sworn statement will be made, referring to the provisions of Article 326 of the Criminal Code on false statements).
Eligible for emergency aid are families/single persons whose income is lower than the costs generated by the hardship for which emergency aid is requested and who cannot ensure a decent standard of living, which would lead to the risk of social exclusion