O.U.G. No 63/2022 on some temporary measures for the provision of material support to categories of persons at risk of material deprivation and/or extreme poverty, partly financed by non-reimbursable funds, and some measures for its distribution;
H.G. No 70/2024 approving the mechanism for the implementation of measures to provide material support for certain categories of disadvantaged persons in the period 2024 - 2027, the rules for granting, the modalities and frequency of support measures, and the institutions responsible.
Type of beneficiaries
- pensioners of the public pension system, pensioners registered with the sectoral pension funds and beneficiaries of rights provided for by special laws, paid by the territorial pension funds/sectoral pension funds, whose monthly income is less than or equal to 2,000 lei;
- people - children and adults - classified as severely, severely or moderately disabled, whose own monthly income is less than or equal to 2,000 lei;
- families who have established entitlement to social assistance or family support allowance.
For the above categories, NO action is required from the beneficiaries, The Mures County House of Pensions and the National Agency for Payments and Social Inspection Mures have already registered these people, who will receive at home, by mail, the social vouchers, on card type support.
Also, îThe category of beneficiaries includes:
- families with at least 2 dependent children whose monthly income per family member is less than or equal to 675 lei;
- single-parent families whose monthly income per family member is less than or equal to 675 lei;
- homeless people.
The latter must submit the following documents to the Social Assistance Department of Targu Mures:
Homeless application and declaration;
Application and declaration families with children;
Identity papers of family members (original and xerox copy);
Birth/marriage certificates (original and xerox copy);
Income statement on income earned;
Other documents as appropriate.
Social vouchers worth 250 lei will be granted in 4 instalments, once every 2 months, until the end of the year.
We remind you that electronic social vouchers are sent by post to the beneficiaries' home address. An exception is made for homeless people, for whom the Social Welfare Department of Targu Mures will distribute them directly.
The amounts granted through these social vouchers can only be used for the purchase of food and hot meals, only in the network of affiliated establishments, on the basis of the beneficiary's identity card, within 12 months from the date of each supply.
You can send the completed and signed application form/template using the form below together with the necessary documents.
Completion and submission of standard form
Standard form:
Download Homeless application and declaration
Standard form:
Download Application and declaration families with children