No. 25.197/4.376DAS/07.04.2023
To the attention of interested economic operators
Târgu Mureș Social Assistance Department, with registered office in Târgu Mureș, Gheorghe Doja Street no. 9, postal code 540015, as contracting authority, hereby announces to interested economic operators that it intends to purchase "Services to prevent and combat domestic violence", CPV code 85310000-5 Social assistance services, services provided for in Annex 2 to Law No 98/2016 on public procurement, which under Art. 68 para. (1) letter h) and art. 111 par. (1) of Law no. 98/2016 on Public Procurement, as amended, will be carried out by means of the own tender selection procedure.
Total estimated value: 317.324,70 lei
Award criteria: best value for money
The contracting authority invites interested economic operators to submit a tender for the purchase of "Services to prevent and combat domestic violence", at the Social Assistance Department of Târgu Mureș, Gheorghe Doja Street no. 9, room 8 - Registrar's Office, in a sealed and stamped envelope, or by e-mail to:, until 20.04.2023 at 16:00.
Interested economic operators are invited to tender on the basis of Award documentation comprising:
- Instructions for tenderers;
- Form;
- Specifications;
- Draft contract - including minimum binding clauses.
Further information can be requested by e-mail:, or by phone 0365/430859 extension 113, contact person Buțiu Maria Minerva.
Executive Director
Andreia Moraru