is organising a competition in accordance with Government Decision no. 1336/2022, as subsequently amended and supplemented, to fill a vacant post of IA Assistant at the Integrated Emergency 112 Dispatching Centre of the Targu Mures Social Assistance Directorate
- 1 IA Referent
Specific conditions:
- secondary education with baccalaureate diploma
- at least 6 years and 6 months in the speciality
General conditions:
a) has Romanian nationality or the nationality of another Member State of the European Union, of a State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) or the nationality of the Swiss Confederation;
b) knows Romanian, written and spoken;
c) has the capacity to work in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 53/2003 - Labour Code, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions;
d) has a state of health appropriate to the post for which he/she is applying, attested by a medical certificate issued by the family doctor or the competent health units;
(e) meets the requirements in terms of education, length of service and, where appropriate, other specific conditions in accordance with the requirements of the post advertised;
(f) has not been convicted of a criminal offence against national security, against public authority, against humanity, offences of corruption or misconduct, offences of forgery or offences against the administration of justice, offences committed with intent that would make a candidate for the post incompatible with the performance of the contractual duties for which he/she is applying, unless he/she has been rehabilitated;
(g) is not serving an additional sentence by which he or she has been prohibited from holding office, exercising a profession or trade or carrying out the activity which he or she used to commit the offence, or has not been subject to a security measure prohibiting him or her from holding office or exercising a profession;
(h) has not committed the offences referred to in Article 1(1). (1) letter h).
The competition dossier must contain the following documents:
(1) To apply for the competition, candidates must submit a file containing the following documents:
(a) the application form, in accordance with the model in Annex 2;
b) a copy of the identity card or any other document proving identity, according to the law, which is valid;
c) a copy of the marriage certificate or other document by which the change of name was effected, if applicable;
d) copies of documents attesting to the level of studies and other documents attesting to specialisation, as well as copies of documents attesting to the fulfilment of the specific conditions of the post requested by the public authority or institution;
e) a copy of the employment record book, of the certificate issued by the employer for the period worked, certifying seniority in employment and in the field of studies required for the post;
f) criminal record certificate or, where applicable, extract from the criminal record;
g) a medical certificate attesting to the candidate's state of health, issued by the candidate's family doctor or by the competent health units not more than 6 months before the competition;
h) a certificate of behavioural integrity showing that no offences referred to in Article 1 para. (2) of Law no. 118/2019 on the National Automated Register on persons who have committed sexual offences, offences of exploitation of persons or offences against minors, as well as for the completion of Law no. 76/2008 on the organisation and functioning of the National System of Forensic Genetic Data, as amended, for candidates registered for positions in the education, health or social protection system, as well as any public or private entity whose activity involves direct contact with children, the elderly, persons with disabilities or other vulnerable categories of persons or which involves physical examination or psychological assessment of a person;
i) curriculum vitae, common European format.
The indicative model of the attestation referred to in point (e) is set out in Annex No 3 to H.G. No 1336/2022. The health certificate shall clearly state the number, date, name and capacity of the issuer, in the standard format established by order of the Minister of Health. For candidates with disabilities, in the case of a request for reasonable accommodation, the health certificate must be accompanied by a copy of the certificate of classification in a degree of disability, issued in accordance with the law.
The original of the documents required must also be presented in order to check the conformity of the copies.
Copies of the documents referred to in points (b) to (e) and a copy of the certificate of classification as disabled must be submitted together with the original documents, which must be certified as being a true copy by the secretary of the selection board. The document referred to in point (f) may be replaced by an affidavit of criminal record. In this case, the candidate declared admissible in the selection procedure must complete the competition file with the original of the document referred to in point (f) before the date of the practical test.
The application files shall be submitted to the human resources department or, as the case may be, to the department in charge of organising and conducting the competition or may be sent by candidates by Romanian Post, courier service, electronic mail or the IT platforms of public authorities or public institutions within the deadline provided for in Article 34. If candidates send their application files by post, courier service, electronic mail or the IT platforms of the public authorities or institutions, they will receive their unique identification code at an e-mail address communicated by them and must present the documents referred to in paragraph 34 to the secretary of the selection board. (1)(b) to (e) in originals for certification throughout the competition, but no later than the date and time of the written/practical test, where applicable, failing which they will be deemed not to have been issued with their administrative recruitment document.
The transmission of documents by electronic mail or through the IT platforms of public authorities or public institutions shall be in .pdf format with a maximum volume of 1 MB, documents being accepted only in legible form.
The competition -- will be held at the headquarters of the Social Assistance Department of Târgu Mureș, Gheorghe Doja Street no.9 and will consist of:
- Written test
- Interview
Timetable for the competition:
- 13 November 2024 - 12 noon - deadline for applications
- 14 November 2024 - 12 noon - selection of applications
- 14 November 2024 - 14:00 - posting of selection results
- 15 November 2024 - 14:00 - deadline for submission of applications
- 18 November 2024 - 14:00 - notification of the results of the appeals
- 19 November 2024 - 10am - written test
- 19 November 2024 - 14:00 - written test results posted
- 20 November 2024 - 14:00 - deadline for appeals for the written test
- 21 November 2024 - 14.00 - deadline for appeals
- 22 November 2024 - 14:00 - the results of the appeals will be published
- 25 November 2024 - 10 am - interview
- 25 November 2024 - 14:00 - interview result
- 26 November 2024 - 14:00 - deadline for applications for the interview
- 27 November 2024 - 14:00 - the appeals deadline
- 28 November 2024 - 14:00 - notification of results of appeals
- 29 November 2024 - 2 pm - final result
Additional reports can be obtained at: human resources department, phone 0365430859, e-mail: / on the website www.dastgmures; contact person Plesa Mihaela.
- Taking calls according to the index (Medical, Police; ISU, Gendarmerie) in the COORD COM application
- Remain calm in telephone calls regardless of how the caller is addressed
- Maintaining telephone contact with the caller in serious cases until the doctor's final decision and dispatch of a crew
- Transmitting first aid data to the caller, where appropriate, until the arrival of the dispatched crew using the established protocols
- Forwarding the telephone call to the requested sub-dispatcher or coordinating doctor where appropriate
- Proper use and protection of all equipment, goods and materials in the dispatch centre
- Answer all calls
- Asking specific questions and completing the medical record with the most appropriate medical index
- Forwarding case sheets and data to sub-dispatches and/or coordinating doctor
- Maintaining telephone contact with the caller and transmitting first aid data (where appropriate) until the arrival of the crew(s)
- Maintaining telephone contact with the caller and conferencing the co-ordinating doctor or sub-dispatches where appropriate
- The operator is obliged to carry out the coordinating doctor's orders in medical cases
- For code red medical cases outside the municipality of Târgu Mureș, the operators can directly alert the SMURD first aid teams according to the Provision no.RADC 367/27.05.2004 without consulting the coordinating doctor, the doctor can instead supplement with a SAJ team with a doctor, an assistant or a TIM team
- Fully comply with the service procedures and provisions
- Comply with the legislation on personal data that he/she discloses in the performance of his/her duties
- Will know and respect the provisions of the rules of organisation and functioning of the dispatch centre
- Refrain from the consumption of alcoholic beverages at least eight hours before the start of the shift and prohibit it for the duration of the service.
- Any malfunction that occurs will be reported to the shift supervisor who will in turn report it to the appropriate persons
- The access to the dispatching centre of off-duty staff is prohibited without a well justified purpose and for a period not exceeding 10 minutes
- No sleeping on duty
- The dispatcher shall not leave the workstation without the approval of the shift supervisor and during breaks the building premises
- The dispatcher shall be entitled to three twenty-minute breaks in an eight-hour shift, provided that these breaks are planned according to a pre-established schedule, alternating with the other dispatchers. It is forbidden to accumulate break minutes and to take breaks during the last fifty minutes
- The workstation will be handed in at the shift change showing the condition of the equipment and any problems encountered during the shift
to fill a vacancy for the post of IA referent at the Integrated Emergency Dispatching Centre of the Targu Mures Social Assistance Directorate
- The Constitution of Romania, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions;
- Government Ordinance no.137/2000 on the prevention and punishment of all forms of discrimination, republished with subsequent amendments and additions;
- Law No 202/2002 on equal opportunities and equal treatment between women and men, republished with subsequent amendments and additions;
- 57/2019 on the Administrative Code, with subsequent amendments and additions, Part VI, Title III
- Emergency Ordinance No 34/2008 on the organisation and functioning of the Single National Emergency Call System, as amended and supplemented;
- Manual for the operation of one-stop emergency call centres.
to fill a vacancy for the post of IA referent at the Integrated Emergency Dispatching Centre of the Targu Mures Social Assistance Directorate
- Regulations on the Constitution of Romania, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions;
- 137/2000 on the prevention and penalisation of all forms of discrimination, republished with subsequent amendments and additions;
- 202/2002 on equal opportunities and equal treatment between women and men, republished with subsequent amendments and additions;
- 57/2019 on the Administrative Code, with subsequent amendments and additions, Part VI, Title III.
- 34/2008 on the organisation and functioning of the single national system for emergency calls, with subsequent amendments and additions;
- Regulations on the Operating Manual for Single Emergency Call Centres.
Executive Director
Notice of cancellation of the competition - non-submission of applications