Press release
Târgu Mureș, 17.03.2023
Activity Report of the Social Assistance Department of Targu Mures for the year 2022
The Social Assistance Directorate of Targu Mures, a structure with separate legal personality, specialized in the administration and delivery of social assistance benefits and social services, ensures the implementation of social policies in the field of child protection, family, elderly, disabled persons, as well as other individuals, groups or communities in social need.
During 2022, more than 10,000 people were registered with the Directorate for social assistance benefits and services.
The institution also continued to strengthen its collaboration with social NGOs, which benefited from a doubling of the allocated budget (from 2,731,832 lei in 2021 to 5,814,314 lei in 2022) and a significant increase in the number of beneficiaries served by these funds (over 3000 beneficiaries). In addition to subsidization under Law no. 34/1998, i.e. contracting under Law no. 98/2016 of licensed social services of private providers, since its establishment as a Social Assistance Directorate with legal personality, this is the second time that Law no. 350/2005 for social NGOs; thus, compared to the year 2021, when a total of 25 social assistance projects were financed for a total amount of 496,869.00 lei, in 2022, a total of 43 social assistance projects were financed for a total amount of 1,289,835 lei.
At the same time, the implementation of the project "Integrated approach to poverty and social exclusion for the benefit of marginalized communities in the Municipality of Tirgu Mures" SMIS Code 2014+ 152430, co-financed by the Human Capital Operational Programme (POCU) 2014-2020, was started, within which the Community Social Assistance Service was licensed, and 4 other new services will be licensed, namely: Community Medical Assistance Service, Medical Office, Day Centre for Minors and Day Centre for Addiction Recovery.
Creation of the new DAS Târgu Mureș website, is on the list of investments for 2022, along with upgrading the ICT equipment network and others.
Also, an important step carried out by the Directorate in 2022 was the "Demographic analysis of existing social services in the local community", namely the Social Map of the Municipality of Targu Mures.
Through the Social Welfare Service, a total of 16 social benefits and benefits, as well as 5 types of material aid, were granted to approximately 7,000 beneficiaries.
Through the Special Protection Service, services for people with special needs were provided, such as: hiring and monitoring 250 personal assistants for people with severe disabilities; granting over 1000 monthly allowances for people with severe disabilities; carrying out 163 social surveys for children with special needs to obtain school guidance certificates and monitoring them; issuing transport passes free of charge for people with disabilities and their carers; extensive social surveys were carried out for the granting of various rights and facilities according to the law. Services were also provided for the elderly, as follows: 92 elderly people received monthly home care services and 161 elderly people were referred to residential services. Cases of begging (especially among minors), domestic violence, cases of single children whose parents are abroad are registered, assessed and monitored through the institution's Child and Family Protection Office.
In 2023, all the services of DAS Targu Mures will be digitised through a project related to the Operational Programme on Administrative Capacity. It will also continue to manage the E-on Reality project. The EON XR platform is designed to improve knowledge transfer between education and industry and to develop a digital economy in Târgu Mureș. The project will also develop educational materials using Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) for the education/trade system, education providers as well as industrial and IT companies in the region.
The detailed activity report of the Targu Mures Social Assistance Department for the year 2022 can be consulted by clicking on the following link:
Târgu Mureș Social Assistance Department