Press release
Târgu Mureș, 09.01.2024
Homeless people from Târgu Mureș, rescued from frost and accommodated, at night, at the Night Shelter of the Târgu Mureș Social Assistance Department
In order to avoid situations caused by low temperatures, the Târgu Mureș Social Assistance Department, as every year, takes measures to protect people in vulnerable situations during the cold season.
Thus, the Night Shelter of the Târgu Mureș Social Assistance Department, located on 36 Rozmarinului Street, offers homeless people a warm place at night, deworming, clothing, hygiene items, medical advice, social and professional counselling in order to reintegrate them into society.
"The main problem we face is that some of those identified as homeless refuse to come to the Shelter, even during periods of very low temperatures at night and prefer to stay on the street. We cannot take them by force, but people who come to us alone or are brought by the police and SMURD will be received in assistance. They receive decent housing conditions and support for their reintegration into society, so that when they leave the shelter they do not have to return to the street. For those who are able to work and want to work, with the support of AJOFM Mures, we can also identify jobs for them. There are possibilities, they have what to do, they don't have to stay on the streets, but we need their cooperation and determination. We don't claim to be able to change their lives, but we can certainly save them from unnecessary suffering." said Andreia Moraru, Executive Director of the Târgu Mureș Social Assistance Department.
We therefore appeal to the people of Targu Mures who identify homeless people in open spaces, abandoned buildings or basements of blocks of flats, to call the following telephone numbers: 0365/422575, 0265/253234 (Night Shelter) or 0265/250760 (Local Police Dispatch) in order to take the necessary measures or to direct them to the headquarters of the Night Shelter located in Targu Mures, 36 Rozmarinului Street.
During the cold season, homeless people from other localities who do not have these services in their locality can also be accommodated in the Night Shelter.
At the moment, within the Social Service "Night Shelter", a number of 30 people identified as homeless are accommodated and benefit from the services offered, the maximum capacity being 90 places.
Târgu Mureș Social Assistance Department