Press release
Târgu Mureș, 30.05.2024
Socio-educational services for children from disadvantaged families
within "Rosemary" Day Centre and "Harlequin" Day Centre
The Social Assistance Department of Targu Mures through the "Rozmarin" Day Centre and the "Arlechino" Day Centre provides socio-educational services to preschool and school children (primary and secondary) from the municipality, in vulnerable situations. These services are offered with the aim of preventing and reducing school drop-out.
The activities carried out in the centres stimulate the cognitive, emotional and social development of children from vulnerable social groups. At the same time, the Counselling and Support Centre for Children and Parents also provides complementary services for children and their families, namely counselling, parental education and information services, in order to reconcile family life and professional activity.
"Periodically we organize information in the community about the services we offer in our Centres. Through care activities, education, after-school, recreation-socialization, counseling, school and professional orientation, providing daily transportation from home to the Centers and back, two meals a day (breakfast and lunch), school supplies and occasionally clothing and/or shoes, developing independent living skills for the child, as well as support, counselling, education activities for parents or their legal representatives, we want to combat social exclusion and school drop-out in the community, focusing on supporting children - the only ones who have the chance to break the vicious circle of poverty and lack of education." said representatives of the Social Welfare Department of Targu Mures.
The beneficiaries of the services offered in the 2 centres are: children from extremely low-income families, large/monoparental families; children with one or both parents who have emigrated to work abroad, raised by a single parent or by relatives/grandparents; children with retired, seriously ill, deceased parents or with certificates of medium, severe or serious disability; children orphaned by one or both parents; children living in unsuitable conditions or even in makeshift accommodation; families in situations of risk/crisis, abandonment/institutionalisation; families seeking counselling for the upbringing and education of children; (potential) adoptive families, prospective parents with children.
The Day Centre "Rozmarin" (social service code 8891 CZ-C-II and 8899CZ-F-I) and the Day Centre "Arlechino" (social service code 8891 CZ-C-VI) are licensed social services and operate within the Social Assistance Department (DAS) Târgu Mureș.
Further information can be found on the website, Section Social service providersand by phone: 0365/804850, Monday to Friday, 08:00 - 13:00.
Târgu Mureș Social Assistance Department