In accordance with the provisions of Article VII, para. (3) of O.U.G. no. 115/2023 on some fiscal-budgetary measures in the field of public expenditure, for fiscal consolidation, for combating tax evasion, for amending and supplementing some normative acts, as well as for extending some deadlines, with subsequent amendments and additions H.G. no. 1336/2022 for the approval of the Framework Regulation on the organization and career development of contractual staff in the budgetary sector paid from public funds, with subsequent amendments and additions,
CĂMINUL PENTRU PERSOANE VÁRTSNICE, located in Târgu Mureș, str. EvreilorMartiri, nr. 29-31 Mureș county, is organising a competition to fill the following positions
contract vacancies:
SOCIO-MEDICAL Compartment: 1 post NURSE, fixed-term, full-time (12/24h shifts)
ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT: 1 post of QUALIFIED WORKER, HOUSEKEEPER, indefinite period, full time (8 hours/day, 40 hours/week)
To apply for the competition, candidates must submit a file containing the following documents:
1. Application form for the competition, as per Annex 1;
2. Copy of identity card or any other document proving identity, according to the law, which is valid;
3. Copy of the marriage certificate or other document changing the name, if applicable;
4. Copies of documents attesting to the level of studies and other evidence of specialisation, and copies of documents attesting to the fulfilment of the specific conditions of the post;
5. Copy of the employment record booklet, of the certificate issued by the employer for the period worked certifying seniority in employment and in the speciality of studies required for the post (according to the indicative model - Annex 2);
6. Criminal record certificate or, where applicable, extract from criminal record;
7. A medical certificate attesting to the state of health, issued by the family doctor or by the health units authorized not more than six months before the competition; the certificate attesting to the state of health must clearly state the number, date, name of the issuer and its capacity, in the standard format established by order of the Minister of Health.
For candidates with disabilities, in the case of a request for reasonable accommodation, the health certificate must be accompanied by a copy of the certificate of classification in a degree of disability issued in accordance with the law.
8. Certificate of behavioural integrity showing that no offences referred to in Article 1(1) have been committed. (2) of Law No. 118/2019 on the National Automated Register of persons who have committed sexual offences, exploitation of persons or offences against minors, as well as for the completion of Law No. 118/2019 on the National Automated Register of persons who have committed sexual offences, exploitation of persons or offences against minors. 76/2008 on the organisation and functioning of the National System of Forensic Genetic Data, as amended, for candidates registered for posts in the education, health or social protection system, as well as any public or private entity whose activity involves direct contact with children, elderly persons, persons with disabilities or other vulnerable categories of persons or which involves physical examination or psychological assessment of a person (issued by any unit or sub-unit of the Police in which a counter for the issuance of
criminal record);
9. Curriculum vitae, common European model.
Note: The required documents must be submitted in the order mentioned above.
Candidates who have been admitted to the selection procedure and who have submitted a sworn statement that they have no previous criminal record must complete the competition file with the original criminal record before the date of the first test of the competition.
Copies of the documents referred to in points 2, 3, 4 and 5 and a copy of the certificate of classification as disabled must be submitted together with the original documents, which must be certified as being in conformity with the original by the secretary of the selection board.
The competition applications are submitted at the headquarters of the Home for the Elderly or can be sent by candidates via Romanian Post, express courier service or e-mail.
If candidates send the competition files by Romanian Post, express courier service or electronic mail, they will receive a unique identification code at an e-mail address communicated by them and are required to present themselves to the secretary of the competition committee with the original of the documents referred to in points 2 to 5 for certification throughout the competition, but no later than the date and time of the written test, under penalty of not being issued the administrative act of employment.
Documents must be sent by e-mail or via the public institution's IT platforms in .pdf format with a maximum volume of 1 MB to the e-mail address, documents will only be accepted in readable form.
Failure to comply with the above conditions leads to rejection of the candidate.
The competition files are submitted to the headquarters of the Home for the Elderly: Târgu Mureș, str. Evreilor Martiri, nr. 29-31, jud Mureș.
General conditions:
In accordance with the provisions of Article 15 of the General Decision no. 1336/2022 approving the Framework Regulation on the organisation and career development of contractual staff in the budgetary sector paid from public funds, as subsequently amended and supplemented:
A vacant or temporarily vacant post may be filled by a person who fulfils the conditions laid down in Law no. 53/2003 - Labour Code, republished, as amended and supplemented, and the specific requirements laid down in Article 542 para. (1) and (2) of Government Emergency Ordinance No. 57/2019 on the Administrative Code, as amended and supplemented:
a) has Romanian nationality or the nationality of another Member State of the European Union, of a State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) or the nationality of the Swiss Confederation;
b) knows Romanian, written and spoken;
c) has the capacity to work in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 53/2003 - Labour Code,
republished, as subsequently amended and supplemented;
d) has a state of health appropriate to the post for which he/she is applying, attested by a medical certificate issued by the family doctor or the competent health units;
(e) meets the requirements in terms of education, length of service and, where appropriate, other specific conditions in accordance with the requirements of the post advertised;
(f) has not been convicted of a criminal offence against national security, against public authority, against humanity, offences of corruption or misconduct, offences of forgery or offences against the administration of justice, offences committed with intent that would make a candidate for the post incompatible with the performance of the contractual duties for which he/she is applying, unless he/she has been rehabilitated;
(g) is not serving an additional sentence by which he or she has been prohibited from holding office, exercising a profession or trade or carrying out the activity which he or she used to commit the offence, or has not been subject to a security measure prohibiting him or her from holding office or exercising a profession;
(h) has not committed the offences referred to in Article 1(1). (1) letter h).
Specific conditions for the post:
In accordance with the provisions of Article 16 of the General Decision no. 1336/2022 approving the Framework Regulation on the organisation and career development of contractual staff in the budgetary sector paid from public funds, as subsequently amended and supplemented:
Absolvent/ă general/middle studies;
Certificat professional qualification - nurse;
Experiență in the field of elderly care is an advantage;
Disponibilitate for shift schedules starting at 7am and 7pm;
Foarte good communication skills with residents and colleagues;
Seriozitate, responsibility, loyalty, adaptability, self-control, empathy, sociability, team spirit;
Prezență pleasant, charismatic.
Absolvent/ă general/middle education with a qualification in the field;
Experiență in the field is an advantage;
Seriozitate, responsibility, loyalty, adaptability, self-control, empathy, sociability, team spirit.
Persoană friendly, attentive to detail, with thorough knowledge of the technological process of food preparation, skill and observation;
Persoană with communication and teamwork skills with the ability to adapt dynamically to new work tasks and situations;
Persoană stress-resistant, used to working to deadlines.
Timetable for the competition:
Competition stage | Date | Now |
Submission of competition files/ deadline for submission of competition files | 29.05.2024 | 12:00 |
File selection | 30.05.2024 | 16:00 |
Deadline for the results of the selection of applications | 31.05.2024 | 12:00 |
Deadline for lodging appeals against the result of the selection of competition files/deadline | 03.06.2024 | 12:00 |
Deadline for analysis and posting of the result of the appeals | 04.06.2024 | 14:00 |
Conduct of the written test | 06.06.2024 | 8:00 |
Deadline for posting written test results | 06.06.2024 | 16:00 |
Deadline for lodging appeals against the result of the written test/deadline | 07.06.2024 | 16:00 |
Deadline for analysis and posting of written test appeals results | 10.06.2024 | 16:00 |
Conduct of the interview test | 11.06.2024 | 8:00 |
Deadline for interview result | 11.06.2024 | 16:00 |
Deadline for lodging appeals concerning the result of the interview/deadline | 12.06.2024 | 16:00 |
Deadline for analysis and posting of the result of the interview | 13.06.2024 | 16:00 |
Display of the final result of the competition | 14.06.2024 | 12:00 |
Bibliography established for the competition:
1. Course Notes - National Training Program for Nurses - OAMGMAMR (Module III. Nursing Techniques);
2. MS Order no. 1226/2012 for the approval of the Technical Standards on the management of waste from medical activities and the Methodology for data collection for the national database on waste from medical activities;
3. MS Order No 1.761 of 3 September 2021 approving the Technical Standards for cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation in public and private health facilities, the evaluation of the effectiveness of cleaning and disinfection procedures carried out in these facilities, the recommended procedures for hand disinfection according to the level of risk, as well as the methods for evaluating the sterilisation process and controlling its effectiveness, with subsequent amendments and additions.
1. MS Order No 976 of 16 December 1998 approving the hygiene rules for the production, processing, storage, preservation, transport and sale of food, as subsequently amended and supplemented;
2. Government Decision No 924/2005 approving the General Rules for Food Hygiene (General Rules for Food Hygiene).
The theme set for the competition:
1. Concept of universal precautions and basic rules in their application; use of appropriate protective equipment; hand washing; prevention of accidents and other types of occupational exposure, definition of healthcare associated infection, methodology for surveillance and control of accidents with exposure to biological products in personnel working in healthcare.
2. Technical rules on cleaning and disinfection in sanitary establishments: cleaning (definition, general methods of cleaning, rules for the storage of products and utensils used for cleaning and maintenance rules), disinfection (definition, disinfection by physical means, disinfection by chemical means-classification of disinfection, antiseptics, hand washing and skin disinfection, factors influencing disinfection, general rules and practice of disinfection, antiseptics, definition and criteria for use and storage of antiseptics, hygienic hand disinfection, methods of applying disinfectants depending on the substrate treated, current and/or terminal disinfection).
3. Ensuring hygienic conditions for residents: preparing the bed and its accessories, changing bed linen, ensuring the personal, bodily and clothing hygiene of bedridden residents (undressing and dressing, performing regional toileting, observing position, changing position, mobilization, catching physiological and pathological droppings, transporting, feeding and preventing bedsores).
4. Waste collection and management rules.
1. Personal hygiene of Food Block workers.
2. Hand hygiene.
3. General hygiene rules in the Food Block.
4. Serving rules.
5. Organoleptic properties of the main food products (meat, eggs, dairy.)
6. Protective equipment: classification, characteristics, use, maintenance, useful tips.
7. Food preparation: heat processing, boiling, frying, steaming, baking, freezing.
The conditions for taking part in the competition, the documents required for the application file and the set subject are posted at the institution's headquarters and on the website
Further information can be obtained from the secretariat of the competition committee provided by economist Mirela Tăbăran at 0365/404.480, between 10:00-14:00 and at the office of the Home for the Elderly.
Matei Daniela Maria
gov,site,sediu_mai 2024 signed
Annex 1_Form for application to the competition
Annex 2 Attestation of seniority - indicative model
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[...] More details here 15.05.2024 THE HOME FOR OLDER PEOPLE with headquarters in Târgu Mureș, str. Evreilor Martiri, n... [...]
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