organises recruitment and selection of staff for fixed-term employment outside the establishment plan
- Project name: "Integrated approach to poverty and social exclusion for the benefit of marginalized communities in the municipality of Targu Mures", a project financed by non-reimbursable external funds, carried out by the Targu Mures Social Assistance Department.
- Job number and type:
- 1 post - provision of social services within the Day Centre for minors and implementation of POCU project 152430
3. Job title
- Social worker - 8 hours/day
4. Job requirements:
Duration of employment: Fixed-term 4 months, 168 hours/month according to the requirements and needs of the grant contract.
Job description, job responsibilities/General and specific mandatory conditions imposed in the job description/Duties:
Social worker - Involved in the implementation of A3.4, with the following minimum tasks: *planning interventions and services for the beneficiary *assessment and social counseling of the beneficiaries of the services *drawing up the plan of activities and organizing activities for the registered beneficiaries *participating in the events organized within the project according to the plans made; *ensuring the presence of the beneficiaries and drawing up the working documents, etc.
Specific conditions:
- Social worker - secondary education
5. Evaluation criteria and evidence for selection
Criteria: the level of education and training, previous experience similar to the job or skills demonstrating the applicants' ability to perform the tasks in the job description (competence, experience) will be considered.
Selection tests
Interview: tests the theoretical knowledge required for the post for which the selection is being organised, communication skills, analysis and synthesis skills, skills required by the position, motivation, behaviour in crisis situations.
The interview will be conducted according to the interview plan drawn up by the Recruitment and Selection Committee on the day of the interview, based on the assessment criteria.
The maximum score is 100 points. Candidates must obtain a minimum of 60 points to be declared admitted. The candidate with the highest score is considered admitted.
6. Documents required to apply for the recruitment and selection process:
- application form for the recruitment and selection process (standard application form attached to the recruitment and selection notice - it will include the title of the post for which you are applying);
- CV, dated and signed on each page, in Europass format, mentioning the project and the position the candidate is applying for;
- certified true copies of your identity card or any other document proving your identity, as required by law, where applicable;
- certified copies of identity documents and educational documents (certification will be made by checking the original documents by the secretary of the committee);
- original certificates/diplomas/certificates attesting to the completion of certain specialisations (originals are required for certification);
- supporting documents attesting to length of service and/or education, i.e. attesting to the specific professional experience required for the post (e.g. certificates of length of service and education, employment contracts, job descriptions, recommendations, etc.), copies of which must be certified as originals;
- criminal record or a sworn statement that he/she has no criminal record that would make him/her incompatible with the post for which he/she is applying; the criminal record must be produced by the successful candidate within 10 working days of publication of the final result of the recruitment and selection process;
- a medical certificate attesting to the candidate's state of health issued no more than six months before the recruitment and selection procedure by the candidate's family doctor or the competent health units;
- a statement of availability of the time allocated.
The required model forms (application form, model CV, etc.) can be downloaded from the website
7. Information on how to submit the necessary documents :
The application documents must be submitted to the Social Assistance Department of Targu Mures, Targu Mures, Gheorghe Doja Street, no.9.
8. Timetable for the recruitment and selection procedure:
Display of recruitment and selection notice | 18 August 2023 |
Deadline for applications | 01 September 2023 |
Verification of registered files in terms of the existence of all required documents | 05 September 2023 |
Evaluation of candidates : evaluation of documents based on evaluation criteria | 07 September 2023 |
Display of documents evaluation result | 08 September 2023 |
Interview | 12 September 2023 |
Show interview result | 13 September 2023 |
Filing appeals | 14 September 2023 |
Dispute resolution | 15 September 2023 |
Final result display | 19 September 2023 |
9. Deadline and procedure for appealing against the selection board's decision:
Any appeals must be submitted within 24 hours of the publication of the results of the recruitment and selection process, except in the case of compulsory rest days (Saturday and Sunday), in which case the deadline is extended to the first working day following publication. Appeals must be submitted to the Social Welfare Department of Târgu Mureș, Târgu Mureș, str. Gheorghe Doja, nr.9.
Recruitment and Selection Committee
Result of the selection of the OCU-POCU files