Press release
Târgu Mureș, 09.03.2023
ENERGY CARD. Important information for the people of Targuumures who benefit from the 1,400 lei aid. Who can contact DAS Târgu Mureș and when?
Five categories of vulnerable people benefit this year from an aid of 1,400 lei, from European funds, to compensate the price of energy, regardless of its nature, according to Government Emergency Ordinance No 166/2022.
The aid takes the form of a card, issued on paper and is granted in two instalments of 700 lei/month (in February and September 2023).
The energy card can be used for full or partial payment of current or outstanding bills - only for the place of consumption at the beneficiary's home.
Who benefits from the energy card?
- pensioners who have reached the age of 60 and have an income below 2,000 lei;
- pensioners with disability pension, regardless of age, who have an income below 2,000 lei;
- people (children and adults) with severe, severe or medium disabilities, with an income below 2,000 lei;
- families receiving family support allowance under Law No 277/2010, republished, as amended;
- families and single persons receiving social assistance under Law No 416/2001, as amended.
Persons who fall into one of the categories of beneficiaries listed, but for whom ineligibility situations have been identified, will be notified by mail of these situations (e.g. the income of a person who in fact no longer lives at the address but is on the documents is taken into account).
After receiving the notification, they may apply to the Târgu Mureș Social Assistance Directorate (Str. Gheorghe Doja, nr. 9, phone: 0365/430859, e-mail conduct a social survey to determine the number of people actually living at the place of consumption.
The result of the social survey will be sent by the applicant to the National Company "Romanian Post" within 10 days, in order to update the list of beneficiaries.
The energy card is distributed and communicated to the beneficiaries through the National Company "Poșta Română" S.A. - by sending mail with confirmation of receipt. The same institution can reissue the document in case of theft, damage or loss.
The energy card can be used to pay energy bills in the following periods:
- for tranche I - value 700 lei, from 20 February to 30 June 2023;
- for tranche II - amount 700 lei, from September to 27 December 2023
People who were not eligible for Tranche I, but will become eligible when the lists for Tranche II are drawn up, will receive their energy card in September 2023.
Energy price compensation support for vulnerable groups is not considered as income and as such does not affect social assistance, family support allowance, home heating allowance and energy supplement.
DETAILED INFORMATION on the issuance, distribution and validity of the energy card, the quality of beneficiary of the energy card, the methods of payment of energy bills and settlement of firewood, etc. can be obtained by calling 031.9966 (Call-center service provided by the Romanian Post).
Târgu Mureș Social Assistance Department