Press release
Târgu Mureș, 16.12.2022
Protection and promotion of the rights of people with disabilities
to the attention of public institutions
On Wednesday, 14.12.2022 and Thursday, 15.12.2022, at the initiative of Mrs. Chiorean Mirela, representative of the personal assistants of people with severe disabilities from the Social Assistance Department of Targu Mures, respectively of the Association HIFA Romania - Help for all and with the support of the Social Assistance Department of Targu Mures, 2 working meetings took place, aimed at involving local authorities in the issues, protection and promotion of the rights of people with disabilities.
According to the 16 representatives of local public institutions present at the two meetings, people with disabilities must enjoy the same human rights as any other person and must be given the same opportunities to participate fully as equal partners in all areas of life, which is why they expressed their openness to solve the problems faced by this social category.
During these two days, more than 50 topics were debated in the field of rights of people with disabilities, through which the social and economic inclusion of this social category is ensured, including:
- Ensuring physical, informational and communicational access for people with disabilities to the products, services and programs that the society makes available to its members;
- Improving access for people with disabilities to all public spaces (institutions, means of transport, pedestrian crossings, pavements, etc.);
- Access to education and conditions adapted to their needs;
- Access to all necessary medical and specialised services;
- Removing the multiple barriers they face and more.
At the same time, new working meetings have been established in 2023, on topics related to health and treatment possibilities, habilitation/rehabilitation of people with severe disabilities, accessibility of public space in the municipality and public transport.
In order to live independently, people with disabilities need to live their lives in the community. To this end, the state must provide and/or support services in the community designed to meet the unique needs and abilities of each person with a disability.
Accessibility is the basis for full participation of people with disabilities in society. Beyond the importance in itself of ensuring the right of access, its realisation in practice is also the gateway to the exercise of rights in all dimensions of life: education, health, legal protection of rights, employment, social protection, independent living.
Consultation and involvement of people with disabilities, their representatives and their organisations in all disability programmes, projects, activities in all decision-making processes, in the development of policies, programmes, actions and measures, implies recognition of the contributions of people with disabilities to the general welfare.
In the municipality of Targu Mures there are 5490 people classified as disabled, of which: 2034 are people with severe disability, 2575 with severe disability, 771 with moderate disability and 110 with mild disability.
Târgu Mureș Social Assistance Department